yuguang gold and lead group limited liability company-凯发k8国际

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henan yuguang gold and lead group co., ltd. established in 1957, is a local state-owned enterprises.during the past 60 years,yuguang has developed to be a large enterprise of nonferrous metals industry in china. currently, it has more than 30 subsidiaries. the core enterprises are henan yuguang gold and lead co., ltd. and henan yuguang zinc industry co., ltd. henan yuguang gold & lead co., ltd. was listed on the shanghai stock exchange in july 2002. it is the largest lead smelting enterprise in china and the largest silver producer in china. henan yuguang zinc industry co., ltd. has developed as top 3 of zinc industry in china. the group is honored as china top 500 enterprise, china's manufacturing industry 500, is the country's first batch of circular economy pilot units, the national recycling of waste metal pilot enterprises, the first batch of cleaner production demonstration enterprises, the first batch of lead and zinc access and renewable lead access to the enterprise, the first batch of henan province, urban mineral demonstration pilot units.
  the company's leading products, "yuguang" brand electrolytic lead, "yuguang" brand silver, are respectively listed at the london metal exchange (lme) and the london bullion metals association (lbma). the company's main products and capacity are: lead 400,000 tons,zinc 300,000 tons, copper 100,000 tons, 5,000 kilograms of gold, 700 tons of silver, sulfuric acid 1.1 million tons. the company completed the current industrial output value of 20.78 billion yuan, the sales income of 20.63 billion yuan, profits and taxes 540 million yuan, exports 32.02 million us dollars.
  honors and reputation:yuguang won the highest award in china's industrial field - china industry award nomination award, yuguang trademark was well-known trademarks in china,the company is honored as competitive brand.
      yuguang technology and equipment is regarded as international and domestic leading. the company has provincial technology center, post-doctoral research station, henan province, lead-zinc metallurgical engineering technology research center and other research institutions, relying on independent research and development formed a group of international leading independent intellectual property rights of nuclear.
